Thursday, October 12, 2006

Well, that was inconsiderate...

I only work 1/2 days on Thursdays normally. This week, since my census has been low for a couple of weeks, I arranged to meet our marketing guy to help fine tune my game plan for getting out to new doctors. I have one big group of orthopedic surgeons that are really tough to get into, and I thought that maybe he could help me get past the front door with this group. So, we had arranged to meet at 1:00 this afternoon.
I hadn't heard from him all week so I called to confirm that we were still meeting today. He acted like he had forgotten that we were going to get together but said that he could still fit our meeting in. So, I finished treating my patients and then ran an errand and got some lunch. At five minutes until one, he called and said that "he'd gotten hung up at another clinic and needed to reschedule."
This would have been an okay excuse, but then he kept talking and said that he'd been in a previously scheduled meeting and that he hadn't thought that he'd be able to make our meeting, but that he wanted to keep our meeting on the books anyway "just in case". Great, so now I've wasted an entire hour of my not cool.
On a brighter note: yesterday I got a nice card from my friend April. She was confused about when the Chicago marathon was and thought that I had run it last weekend. So she sent a card saying congratulations on another successful marathon completion. Hopefully this is a good omen for next weekend!

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

How RUDE! I thought professionals had beter manners than that.