How does the weekend go so fast?
I can't believe it's already mid afternoon on Sunday. It seems like it was just Friday a minute ago. I've done a lot this weekend. We got the entire house cleaned, the yard mowed, the landscaping beds weeded, and tons of other stuff done. We went to Target last night and did half of the registering for the baby. We still have Baby's R' Us left to register at, but at least we got some of it done. I was so glad to tackle this task, as the shear volume of stuff kids need is somewhat overwhelming. It's nice to have a list of sorts of stuff we still need.
We also went and saw the new Mark Wahlberg movie yesterday. For those of you who don't remember the early nineties, Mark Wahlberg has come a long way since his days of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. He's actually a pretty good actor now. This movie was one of the best I've seen, I enjoyed it so much that I even told my husband as we were leaving the theater that I would go see this one again. I so want to be a Marine sniper now.
I just got finished running an easy three miles on the treadmill. I was really dreading this, as my hip and pelvis have really been hurting for the last three day, but I think I almost feel a little better now after having run. I'm finding that although my legs don't get tired, I'm getting winded much more easily now. I'm pretty sure that the next week or so will see me dropping my pace down a little more.
So chores are almost done, we still have grocery shopping, which I dread, left on the list of things to do, and I still need to balance my checkbook, which I also don't enjoy. I guess the sooner I tackle these tasks though, the sooner I can collapse on the couch...
Sounds like a good weekend - you want to come help me clean - I swear if Scooter doesn't stop shedding.
Have a good week.
I love Mark Wahlberg...the rapper. Not ashamed about it one bit.
Great job on the running.
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