Thursday, April 26, 2007

High maintenance much?

Yes, I think so. My first week of Tuesday/Thursday afternoons at the other office is complete. It went fine. It was kind of like a homecoming of sorts, as this is the office that I was originally in when I first started working for this company.
The low point of the afternoons is the office manager. How can I phrase this nicely? She's an OCD control the worst way. Today I had my charts and charge sheets (those little forms that we fill out that says what we did with each patient so that they know what to bill them for) all organized and sitting on my desk...neatly in a pile. She proceeded to come along while I was away from my desk and "unorganize" them. I like all my charts in one pile in the order the patients are scheduled, and all my charge sheets in a corresponding pile. She separated them all out, so that all of the charts were with the appropriate charge sheet and they were lined up in a row along the entire length of my desk...thus preventing from using my desk for pretty much anything else.
I didn't say anything, but put everything back the way that I like it. Then it happened I was forced to say something to her about liking it the other way. The response I got was "well, that's not how we do things here." Seriously? Does it really matter? I'm the one doing the work, it's my desk, so let's just leave it the way I like it.
I won that battle by the way.
Then, as she was leaving, there was the whole discussion about turning off the lights, locking the doors, turning off the radio, etc...Uhmmm, I'm almost thirty years old. I think I can handle flipping a few switches and locking a couple of doors. I'm pretty sure I don't need step by step instructions with a drawn out diagram...Ugh.

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

WTF?! That's SO sad. I hope you can keep your sanity. Hang in there!