Thursday, April 05, 2007

Busy baby day...

Today is one of my normal half days of work (I work three ten hour days and two five hour days) and my husband was off work today. We had an ultrasound scheduled for this afternoon, so we decided that we would spend the time before our ultrasound visiting daycares to figure out which one we wanted to enroll the shrimp at.
Daycares seem to fill up pretty quickly in this area, especially since most of them only have eight infant spots available at any given time. We were able to come to a pretty quick agreement over which one we liked best, and picked up the paperwork/paid our registration fee/did all the pre-enrollment junk so that we're set for next fall. The director of the facility that we selected assured us that there would most definitely be a spot for us next fall so we're prtty confident that this is one more thing that we can cross off our list of things to do between now and the day the baby gets here.
The ultrasound went very well. The baby doesn't exhibit any problems or reasons to be concerned that anything short of normal development is occurring at this point. In fact, it's actually measuring a bit larger than it should at this point, which moves the due date up about five days. We were able to see all of it's major organs, both arms and legs, and that it had the hiccups. We (well I) chose not to find out the gender, as I would really like to be surprised, but I'm still firmly convinced that this baby is female. They said that it measures about seventeen ounces already...It's amazing that this little thing is so big already! Hopefully it'll be a compromise between my husband's weight at birth and mine. He was huge, (9.5 pounds) and I was on the small side (5 pounds and some ounces.)


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! That is so exciting! Good luck with the daycare!

MNFirefly said...

I love ultrasound days.. BTW, did something come in the mail for you. ;)