Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am beyond pissed off...

I'm so irritated right now that I'm thinking about pig farms, really thinking about pig farms. Why am I thinking of pig farms? Well...apparently pigs eat anything, thus pig farms are really good places to dispose of a body. And right now, I'm just about pissed off enough to kill or seriously maim someone.
The person in question (ie: the pissee, if you will) is someone that I work with. Not in the same office, but she workds for the same company in one of our other offices. She and I used to be very good friends before we stopped working in the same office, now we're not as close, as we don't see each other every day and no longer share the same experiences day after day.
Anyway, long story short, we have a mutual friend, who is a former patient (my patient first, her's later on) who called to say hello to me this morning. She was calling to tell me that she'd had some more surgery. I only had a few minutes to talk to her, so I told her I'd call her back when I got a bit more free time to catch her up on my life.
Mutual friend/former patient then called the girl that I used to work with and had a similar conversation with her. She (coworker) also didn't have much time to talk, but somehow managed to find time to tell the former patient my big news.
Seriously?!? Are you f'ing kidding me?!?! Who does that? In what world is this anyone's news to share other than the prosepective parents? I bugs the hell out of me that some of our friends have nothing else to talk about and must use things that happen in my life as fodder for the gossip mill.
Find something else to talk about already, and leave me out of it!


Stephanie said...

Argh! How annoying! Beyond annoying! I would want to punch someone too! It's irksome enough when my mother tells my sisters about my new job before I got a chance, but I think that a baby may just be a justifiable defense for homicide (or at least attempted homicide).

Seriously, though, a pig farm? Who knew! Note to self: find out where a pig farm is around here....

MNFirefly said...

Two words: HOW RUDE!! I would be beyond mad if were you. Nice analogy!