Sunday, January 07, 2007

So much for that idea

Yeah, that New Year's resolution...the one to be a more consistent blogger? Not going so well, as you can probably tell. I've been really feeling like the back end of an old dog lately. By the time I get done working every day, all I really have energy for is coming home and laying on the couch. I'm hoping that I'm going to start to turn the corner here pretty soon.
I've been trying to find a little time for cross training, and so far I've managed to force myself onto the stationary bike about five or six times this week. (That doesn't sound so good does it? Oh well, you know what I mean.)
I'm firmly convinced that my feeling ass-like has something to do with being unable to run. This weekend I was in bed by nine thirty both nights and I slept until nine thirty both mornings. You would think that this much sleep would top off the tanks and put me back to feeling 100%, but you'd be wrong for thinking that. As I sit here typing now, I'm really contemplating a nap. I suck.
On other fronts, let me just save you all some time...don't go see the Good Shepherd. You'd think this movie would rock, and the previews certainly made it look like it rocked...but it didn't. In my world, this movie is tied with Syriana as biggest waste of film ever imagined.
I sat down to watch it thinking that I was in for a real treat. Three hours later, I walked out of the theater asking my husband "what the hell was that?" I pride myself on being a fairly intelligent person, and I seriously could not follow this damn movie. Plus, Angelina Jolie is not believable as a fifties housewife. Dirty homewrecker, why don't you go adopt a third world country?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you on cross training.

Any word on what is wrong with your foot?