Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm back...with a real post no less

I've been pretty preoccupied with my other life (outside of blogging) lately. I've been trying to get some medical stuff sorted out, which we'll discuss shortly, and I've been trying to decide if I really want to commit to working with Girls on the Run this spring, and I've been trying to get my shit together at work.
Let's address the medical issue first: I have had a plethora of regular doctor appointments lately, nothing exciting, just run of the mill crap. I was supposed to have a test done on Tuesday. I left work at my regularlly scheduled time (gotta love half day Tuesdays) and drove down to the doc's office. Where I promptly found out that the tech who was to do my test (who happened to be the only person in the office trained in this procedure) was sick.
Supposedly they tried to call nine in the morning. Doesn't it stand to reason that a relatively young, generally healthy individual like myself might not be home at nine on a weekday morning? That I might, I don't know, be working?!?! They didn't have a good answer as to why they didn't try to reach me on my cell. So I rescheduled for today, I was really fine with rescheduling...right up until the point that the receptionist got snotty with me and told me that "It was really important that I was on time, as they were doing me a favor, and squeezing me in between two other patients." I wanted to ask her if that was really necessary, since I obviously respect other people's time as I was fifteen minutes early for the appointment that they cancelled on me, but I bit my tongue. Don't want to get a reputation as one of those patients.
Topic number two is Girls on the Run. I really want to get involved with this group, but I'm kind of scared of the time comittment involved in it. The training session is next weekend, so I figure I'll go to that and see what it's all about and then decide from there what I'm going to do. They're supposed to be bringing in the lady that developed the entire program to do the training, so that should be kind of cool.
Lastly, I really need to get my work shit together. We hired a new marketing genius to take some of the pressure off of the clinic directors, but I have a tough time relinquishing any control to anyone else...however qualified he or she might be. I'm really going to have to learn to back up and let her drive the bus. I did a good thing earlier this week. I went to a chamber of commerce meeting last week (read really big snooze fest-but I won the 38 dollar door prize so not all was wasted) and I met this woman who does community relations for a local retirement community. She and I figured that we might be able to develop a mutually beneficial relationship in that I could recommend her facility to the geezers I treat, and she could allow me to come in and do "educational programs" for their residents, thus increasing my name recognition. I actually passed this info on to the marketing guru to set it up for me...yeah for me for giving up control! Hopefully she doesn't screw it up.


MNFirefly said...

I HATE snooty receptionists. They need to respect those who took their time out of their busy to be there. Geez!

SRR said...

I hate when the "real world" has too occupy our time! DAMMIT!

Anonymous said...

HOpe the test went okay.
And I definitely know what you mean about being a control freak - I'm one of the finest.