Sunday, July 23, 2006

So fun

The spa party last night rocked. It was a BeautiControl party, and I swear, everything I got to try I wanted to buy. I loved this stuff so much that I'm thinking of having my own party just to get the free swag. Seriously, I never want to throw those cheesy buy my stuff parties, but this one was totally different than any Pampered Chef, Jewelry Mart, or PartyLite "party" that I've ever gone to.
We gave ourselves facials, got instant manicures, got head massages, and mini-pedis. Such a good way to spend a Saturday night. I will admit, it was kind of weird giving myself a facial with twelve other women (only five of whom I had actually met before). I did meet two other runners though, which was cool. One of the women was training to do the Nike Women's 1/2 in San Francisco, the other just runs for fun.
It was really a pretty cool experience though, even though I ended up buying a bunch of stuff that I probably really don't need. I was pretty pleased with my purchases this morning though, as I had a giant pimple last night prior to the party and this morning after the "treatment" it's almost completely gone. This always impresses me when a product does what it's supposed to do, especially with my I have "complicated" skin per the dermatologist.
I was not looking forward to today's three mile run, since I'd had a little to drink last night and thus a small headache this morning. I'm such a light weight these days, it only takes about one or two drinks to give me a hangover. I convinced myself that I would feel better after running, and climbed on the treadmill. So today's run is knocked out and I've got the rest of the day to look forward to.


MNFirefly said...

Sounds like fun last night.

Awesome run!

Iron Jayhawk said...


I've never heard of BeautiControl. If you end up doing a party, let me know!!! :)

Way to knock out this morning's run )

Anonymous said...

Spa day sounds awesome. I've never heard of BeautiControl stuff either - I'll have to look that up.

Don't worry about being a lightweight because I'm right there with you.