Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's totally settled

The baby's birthday is next Wednesday, barring that he or she doesn't decide to make an appearance on his or her own between now and then. That's right kids....I'm getting induced next Wednesday!!!!! yeah for us. I'm actually going in on Tuesday night to start the process, but they don't expect the actual birth to occur until sometime on Wednesday morning or early afternoon.
They decided to induce because here we are a full week later, and I've made zero more progress towards having this child. The doctor is concerned that if we let it go too far past my due date (which is next Friday anyway) that I won't be able to push the kid out cause he or she will be just too ginormous. So, we're getting induced. It's not exactly what I had planned, but whatever works.


MNFirefly said...

Wow, Kristi! This kids really wants to wait. Hang in there!

LeahC said...

congrats! that's so exciting. i was three weeks late...i think that was in the era before they induced...and I was f'in huge! good luck! can't wait to hear all about it.

Arcane said...

Good luck and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

OMG that is tomorrow.
Best of luck! Make sure you eat a lot before going in because once you're in they cut you off of your food supply - it happened to my sister that way and she was starving.