Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I can't seem to keep up with the whole blog thing...

In fact, it's been so long since I've blogged that I actually had to really search my brain to figure out what my login name and password were to write this post. That's sad. In my defense, I've been busy.
We've been trying to get some last minute projects finished up around the house before this baby shows up. So this past weekend we got started on the cedar chest that we've been talking about refinishing for oh, seven or so years now. I wasn't able to do much of the work, as I couldn't be around the chemicals that my husband used to strip the old finish off, nor could I be around the stain that he used to finish the chest. I did get to help with the sanding though. I love that power sander! The chest is finished now, and it looks great. We're just waiting for it to finish drying and then I can put everything away in it. Now we've just got a china cabinet to refinish and replace the glass in, and then pretty much all of our projects will be done.
My student intern is starting to get the hang of things. She's still kind of hesitant to push patients aggressively, and her documentation needs some serious work, but I see improvement from last week, and it's been helpful to have an extra set of hands and eyes in the office, especially since the pregnant chick aches and pains have started in earnest. I swear, my ribs feel like they're broken. Apparently, I've got some instability in my right rib cage due to cartilage softening and ligaments loosening all over my body. Let me just share how painful this is. It feels like I'm being stabbed over and over again just below my shoulderblade. No bueno. I can't get comfortable to sleep so I'm cranky most of the time.
The only thing that really seems to alleviate my pain is a short run. I'm slowing the pace down again, as I've been a little short of breath lately, yeah, even walking up the stairs can take my breath away if I try to go too fast...but at least I'm staying active.
Last week some doofus at our corporate office told me that my kid was going to have shaken baby syndrome from my running while pregnant. I love the random comments that people make now. I was actually so stunned by this one that I didn't even have a snappy comeback.


MNFirefly said...

First, I will smack the doofus who made the comment. That's so right.

As for the rib pain, it does better. I found that a body pillow (which I became addicted too using it) helps a lot with getting to sleep.

Stephanie said...

It's ok to be a lazy blogger every once in a while, especially now that it's spring. Just as long as you always come back!