Friday, February 09, 2007

Not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be...

Damn you smart bloggers. Yeah, I thought this would be a fun way to tell my secret...but the Good Doc managed to out me in just under ten minutes. What a freakin' record. Either I'm not as stealth as I thought I was, or you guys are way to intuitive.
For the record everyone guessed right. The newest member of the family will be joining us in August. We're stoked. Now if I could just get past this feeling like I'm going to rolf every five minutes thing...
Needless to say, not only is my spring race been wiped from the slate, but so has any chance at a repeat appearance in the Windy City this fall. I'm okay with that though, I really was feeling burnt out on competition, and I really did get a big ouchy on my foot when I attempted to up the mileage in December before finding out that we were expecting.
I wanted to tell weeks ago, but thought that it would suck if something not so stellar happened. Now that we're past the first trimester (as of today...go me!) and we've heard/seen the heartbeat I'm feeling much more confident. So, there you have it.
I think I'm going to name the baby Stepnesonaner....after my so smart blogger buddies. Think I can convince Dear Hubby of that?


Arcane said...

I wouldn't say we are that intuitive. When you say that it's a HUGE secret it can only really be one thing. Oh yeah, that and the fact that you were seeing/imagining little baby monkeys kinda suggested your state of mind. Congratulations!

Sonia said...

Congrats!! =)

Stephanie said...

YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH! You were QUITE stealth, but there's no sneakin' past the Doctor, baby!

Congratulations!! Y'all must be SO excited!

PS - If the hubby ix-nays your name suggestion, my middle name is "Susanne."

SRR said...

Yeah! Congrats!!

LeahC said...

congrats girly! that is so exciting! can't wait to hear updates.

MNFirefly said...

Congrads, Kristi. I hope the "anytime sickness" does not bother you too much. I found that papaya extract helped for me along with saltines too.