Sunday, July 08, 2007

This may be the last week

for running prior to baby's arrival. I've been noticing after my last few runs on the treadmill that I've been having a lot of pelvic pressure and aching. I'm pretty sure that the baby has dropped down a bit over the past few weeks, as I've been feeling pain much more in my pelvis and lower back than in my ribs as I was initially. I'm going to see how I do with the remaining four runs this week and if the soreness post run continues I'll be dropping down to a walk for the remainder of the pregnancy. I'm figuring that it's almost time to stop running anyway, as I'll be thirty four weeks this Friday though...
Today we went and bought outfits for the baby to wear when we bring it home. I bought both a girls and a boys outfit since we won't know what we're having until it actually makes it's appearance. I figure I'll wash both outfits once it gets a little closer to the actual date of delivery, and whichever one we don't end up using will get given as a gift to one of the people that we know who are also having a kid in the next few months or so.
I also bought the book Baby Signs for Dummies. I've really been interested in some of the things I've heard about how teaching your infant sign language at a very young age makes it much easier to deal with them overall. It seems pretty basic stuff, and of course you're not looking to have a fluent conversation with them, but it allows then to communicate basic needs such as sleep, diaper change, milk, and more without becomming frustrated. According to the little bit of the book I read, it really doesn't kick in that they can communicate via this method until around six months, but they suggest that it's helpful to start signing with them around three months of age. I'll let you know how this works out for us.


LeahC said...

our friends taught there daughter sign language and it was funny when we visited them. She liked all the noises my cell phone made and when i took it away (as you can only listen to the different ring tones so many times) she made the sign for "more" was very cute. i think a good idea as well.

MNFirefly said...

I wish I would have had the patience to teach my kids sign language when they were little. I admire you for having interest in that.